The Oohs and the Aahs of online shopping

Okay, I have to say this - I have always been saying "arey waah" & "this is nice" whenever there were regular pop-ups from some or the other online shopping portals on my Facebook homepage. I purchased a lot too, but not from these portals and not once I thought of giving it a shot. And then came a friend's birthday and I wanted to gift her something she loves, can relate to and not find it everywhere.

Now, when it comes to buying a gift, one big question always lingers ~ "what to buy man!". But it wasn't the case with me when I was on the exploration quest. Thanks to my vella-panti tripping, I bumped into this online portal, and instantly knew that I am going to get what I want, and I did.

Browsing and spending hours looking at the website is not a big-deal, because we just keep on flipping through all those clothing,accessories,artifact stuff and make an imaginary wishlist. But ordering something then was a big deal, because it was like moving into a new city, where you have 10,000 questions going on. What if my bank details are leaked, what if my stuff doesn't come, what if I don't get what I asked for and the "what if" list continues. I knew what I wanted - 3 frames - buddha,shiva and a yin-yang zoom burst print. Me and my friend more or less have the same thought flow so the "item" wasn't a concern. All those online shopping protocols were followed and then came the day when it all came to me - in a BROKEN condition. MAN ~ now that was shattering. 

There is always a first time as they say and my first time with online shopping was quite an experience. After all that yes and no going on in my head, my order finally came in and I was opening it as if it was report card. To my most,extremest utter dismay, all 3 frames were broken except for the images. So obviously, the instant "what the hell is this" thought shot me and I frantically started making calls to the guys who dispatched it. I was cursing them left,right and center until my replacement came in. 

They dispatched the same stuff along with a complimentary Godfather frame :) So basically the Gujju that I am, I was happy that I had 7 photo frames at the cost of 3. 

The ladies mind started working as to what to do with the broken ones, get them framed again etc etc but then came one biiiiig mirror in our new house and up went our power-packers :)

I thought it was very sweet of Shopo to have dispatched a complimentary frame because of the entire mess up, but at the same time, it was one experience I'll always remember. The first timers don't go off so easy :) 


  1. Frames are quite neat!!! and the glass thing looks good too!!

    1. The Godfather one was intact ~ the rest, i had to take off the glass plus the frame keeping just the picture and pasting it up on the mirror ~ u know the rest :)


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